Online Sermons

“Technology has giving us the ability to have a mobile ministry. Now people around the world can listen to God’s truth not only from the pulpit on Sunday but anywhere at anytime.”

Did you know?

Audio sermons are a more useable resource than video. Surprised? Video sermons give newcomers a great idea of what to expect at your church. However, audio sermons will be used by your church members more because they are more likely to plug in their device and listen on-the-go than they are to sit down and watch the message by video.

Make Your Messages More than an Mess

Churches often post a hodgepodge of messages but there is no organization to them. They aren’t searchable. Eventually your latest sermon will just fall back into a long list of messages where it will be lost and unused, but why not turn your sermons into a discipleship archive? It just takes a little time to add a searchable Scripture reference, some key words and perhaps even sermon notes or an outline. This way, if someone is dealing with anger, they can go to your website and search for “Anger” and find a message you preached three years ago on the subject. Or if a Sunday school teacher has a lesson on Creation, he might search for “Genesis 1”. Don’t just post your latest sermon as resource for this week. Make it a part of a long-term discipleship archive.

Host and Managing Sermons

Our ministry hosts and manages sermons for the websites we manage. If you are interested in a website that will include a sermon archive, please email us at: and let us know what you’re interested in.

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