Wacky Words Fill In Frenzy

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Discover 31 Old Testament Stories

These Mad-Lib-like Wacky Word Stories are a fun and great springboard to teach God’s Word.

Fill-in-the-Blank Challenges for 31 Old Testament stories. These stories also include some Bible jokes and riddles. Enjoy them in your family, your Sunday School class, or just on your own.

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A Word from the Authors

We carefully considered whether a book like this could use Bible stories without compromising the integrity of Scripture. For this reason, we chose to provide summaries of the stories and exercised caution in how we presented “blanks” for what God did or said. Our goal is not only to have fun but also to help readers develop a deeper understanding of these stories and how they fit into the broader narrative of the Bible. Each fill-in challenge is also followed by both a second challenge to guess the correct words to complete the Bible story and a “Correct Word” summary to see if they were correct, offering multiple ways to engage with the story. We hope and pray that this approach will serve as a springboard, encouraging readers to learn and understand the Bible more deeply each day.

In addition, there is a spiritual illustration for what happens in this book. By filling in the blanks, we are changing the story in front of us. People often do this with the Bible. They fill-in-the-blanks, or interpret Scripture, based on the lens of their experiences, culture, or sometimes even their preferences. The truth of God’s Word must never be compromised. It is completely true and to be fully lived every day in each believer’s life. 

We hope and pray that this book is amazingly fun and will be a tool for helping people engage with God’s Word in a fresh and creative manner.


Mad-Lib-like Fill-in-the-Blank challenges are included for the following Bible Stories:

1. The Story of Creation – Click HERE to See a Sample

2. Noah and the Flood

3. Tower of Babel

4. Abraham and Isaac

5. Jacob and Esau

6. Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors

7. Moses as a Baby

8. Moses at the Burning Bush

9. Moses at the Red Sea

10. Moses and the Ten Commandments

11. The Israelites in the Wilderness

12.  Fall of Jericho

13. Samson and Delilah

14. Ruth and Naomi

15. Samuel Anointing David

16. David and Goliath

17. David Fleeing from Absalom

18. David and the Census

19. Solomon’s Wisdom

20. The Division of Israel 

21. King Ahab and Naboth’s Vineyard

22. Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

23. Elijah Ascending to Heaven

24. Elisha and the Replenishing Oil

25. Miracle of the Floating Axe Head

26. Jonah and the Big Fish

27. Daniel and His Friends

28. The Fiery Furnace

29. Daniel and the Lion’s Den

30. Queen Esther

31. Nehemiah Rebuilding the Walls
