“Give diligence to present yourself approved by God, a workman who doesn’t need to be ashamed, properly handling the Word of Truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15
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Memorize the Book of Jude
God’s Word is powerful. It is a guard for your heart and mind but very few Christian adults memorize large portions of Scripture. Take this 30-Day Challenge to memorize the Book of Jude and discover techniques for memorizing chapters and books of the Bible.

Topical Bible Studies
Most Christians believe what they believe because they've been told to believe it and not because they've seen it in Scripture for themselves. These topical sessions will give you every Bible verse on certain topics so that you can search God's Word for yourself.

How to Study the Bible
Get a deeper understanding about how to correctly use God’s Word. Many believers think they know how to study Scripture but they carry it more in their hands than in their hearts and most of what they believe has come from what they've been told, not what they've seen in the Bible themselves...
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Own a Piece of Bible History
Discover a variety of Bible replicas and artifacts. Click HERE.
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