Help us continue sharing the Gospel with people around the world.

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Your tax-deductible one-time gift can help support our ministry to small churches and ministries in other countries.
Click HERE to give.
Become a monthly supporter
Your tax-deductible gifts allow us to continue providing free resources and helps us to have a greater impact both in the United States and around the world.
Click HERE to give.
Give By Mail
Please make your check to “330ministries” and mail it to:
P.O. Box 9303
Tyler, Texas 75711
For general questions or help with payments, please contact us at
Partnering Churches

Some churches have adopted our us as their U.S. missionaries and support our ministry through monthly gifts.
We’re glad to come to your church and not just share about our ministry but to minister alongside you to reach your community as well.
Contact us if you’re interested.
Give to Projects
Our purpose is to help people know Jesus Christ, to shine His life and love to people everywhere.

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