Challenge your church family to share the Gospel beyond the walls of the church. This can be used as a discipleship class or a churchwide visitation program. Learn to create opportunities to share the Gospel, to be ready to lead any age to Christ, to overcome the fears of sharing, to make effective home visits and more.
Beyond the Walls is an Outreach Training Program to help believers engage in evangelism beyond the walls of the church.

Learn to:
- Create opportunities to share the Gospel
- Share your salvation story
- Be ready to lead any age to Christ
- Overcome the fears of sharing
- Make effective home visits
- Engage in effective follow-up
- Successfully reach people door-to-door
- Safely share Jesus anytime, anywhere
Sessions include:
Audio Training for Sharing Christ
- Sharing Your Salvation Story (20:13)
- Understanding the Stage of Accountability (15:51)
- Creating Witnessing Opportunities (5:02)
- Sharing God’s Plan of Salvation (32:39)
- Leading Invitation Times with Children (8:39)
- Preparing a Decision Room for Children (7:22)
- Explaining Baptism to Children (8:09)
- Children After Salvation (8:38)
Audio Training for Visitation & Outreach
- Making Visits, part 1 – Before You Leave (35:02)
- Making Visits, part 2- On the Porch and Beyond (24:47)
- Making Visits, part 3 – Obstacles and After the Visit (26:19)
- Making Visits, part 4 – Follow-Up Visits (13:40)
- Making Visits, part 5 – Sunday School, Ministry, and Church Strengthening Visits (20:39)
- Making Visits, part 6 – Hospital Visits (11:24)
This course also includes an online version of two books that teach how to effectively share your faith in today’s culure:
- 20 Seconds of Courage – Personal Evangelism Training
- At the Door – Visitation and Outreach Training
- You can also order print copies of these books – Click HERE.
Use this as a church wide outreach program – The following provides a teaching schedule and other ideas for church wide use.