Thank you for your donation and thank you for helping us share the love of Jesus around the world. Your gift is a great blessing to us and will help us to continue challenging the church and reaching the lost.
As a way of saying “Thank you,” we want to give you full-access to everything on our resource website which includes:*
- Children’s Ministry Resources
- Youth Ministry Resources
- Family Resources
- Creative Tools
- Evangelism Resources
- Any new resources we might add in the future.
Since everything on our website works on a subscription basis, once unlocked, these resources will be open for 1 year but since this is a gift, when they automatically lock again, just let us know and we’ll reopen them for you.
To access these resources, please use the coupon code and the steps that were sent to you by email. And if you have any issues or questions or just need help getting it set-up, you can contact Kolby King at (405) 326-8197.
*This “Thank you” gift excludes certain “courses” that we are unable to add to a bundle because of third party content.