“We are a ministry and not a business. Our goal is to reach and teach people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Because of this, we’re a little different. Some items on this website are sold and some are totally free. The generosity of people who support this ministry allows us to scholarship resources to churches and individuals around the world.”
-Kolby & Mary Beth King, founders
The following are instant-access online resources. No waiting. No shipping. Simply sign up for free and use them now.
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Leading an Effective Fall Festival
Whether you’re looking for something fresh and new or just for ways to make your regular event better, this resource is just what you need to take your Fall Festival to the next level.
Become an expert at sharing the Gospel anytime, anywhere, and with anyone. Learn to create opportunities to share the Gospel, to be ready to lead any age to Christ, to overcome the fears of sharing, to make effective home visits, and much more. Includes over 3 1/2 hours of audio training and expert teaching from two online books.
Get 52 full-length Children's Bible Lessons for elementary kids that can easily be used in both large and small group settings—that's a full year of Bible teaching for your kids!
We have created an online training experience to equip your VBS leaders and give you a variety of options for this summer’s unique opportunities. Whether you were planning a regular VBS or looking for something new, this training is a perfect fit for your leaders.
Take your student ministry to the next level with these fresh, creative online student ministry lessons: Includes 15 series with 52 lessons in all--that's a year of youth Bible lessons.
Balloon animals are a great way to engage people with the Gospel. Use them as a teaching tool, a conversation opener in evangelism, a tool while going door-to-door, or use them in ministry for sharing the Gospel at your church or in your community.
52 devotions to challenge and encourage children's ministry volunteers. These devotions can be printed and mailed, posted to a website or sent by e-mail to your children's teachers and leaders.
God’s Word is powerful. It is a guard for your heart and mind but very few Christian adults memorize large portions of Scripture. Take this 30-Day Challenge to memorize the Book of Jude and discover techniques for memorizing chapters and books of the Bible.
Use a simple drawing to visually illustrate how Jesus saves in a way that a child can easily understand. This is a great method for sharing the Gospel not only with children but with people of all ages too. If a 7 year old can understand it, so can an 87 year old.
Enjoy twenty devotions that will challenge you to deepen your desire to see lost people come to Christ. As you read, spend time examining your heart to see what the Lord desires to do in you and through you.
The world is pushing an agenda on our kids and they are asking questions. If we don't intentional answer their questions with the truth, the world will fill in the blanks for us. This free resource includes 400 questions that preteens have recently asked for you to use as a springboard for having conversation with your children.
Give your kids something fresh and new this summer! The FLOOD is a 3-day "Dress to Get Wet" event. Keep your kids engaged with the Gospel while having fun and keep them coming back for more...
Games are powerful ministry tools, especially for children who learn best by doing. Discover 45 of our favorite games in this section. Play the game, have fun, and use the spiritual application to help your children know and follow Jesus.
Get a deeper understanding about how to correctly use God’s Word. Many believers think they know how to study Scripture but they carry it more in their hands than in their hearts and most of what they believe has come from what they've been told, not what they've seen in the Bible themselves...
Do Your Kids Know the Greatest Story of Your Life?
Your story of how you came to Christ is the one story that everyone should know about you--your friends, your family, your children, your grandchildren--everyone.
Includes FIVE six-week series--that's 30 Bible lessons for children that can be used as a teaching curriculum or adapted for in-home use. Series include: Marshmallow Madness, Sticky Situations, Kitchen Craze, More Kitchen Craze, and Balloon Blast.
Discover what kids are thinking and asking. We surveyed hundreds of kids. See their answers to life, Bible and family questions. Some are funny, some are insightful, and some show that kids can say the deepest things. These questions and kid answers are great discussion starters for kids in your family or ministry.
More than 70 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word.