Church Bundle


The following online resources have been set aside for Baptist Associations. Please add this product to your cart and then add the coupon code that your association can provide. The price will be reduced to $0. Just enter your information and press checkout. The following resources will change to “enrolled” to give you full access. Click the title to learn more about each topic:

  • Beyond the Walls: An All-Church Evangelism and Visitation Training program – Train up leaders who are ready anytime, anywhere, to lead any age to Christ. Also prepare them for home visits, decision follow-ups and use this training to develop a follow-up plan for events like VBS.
  • VBS Training – Regardless of what you’re doing this summer for VBS or what curriculum you’re using, this is perfect training for your leaders. In it you will also find Covid-19 VBS options.
  • The FLOOD – A 3-day “Dress to Get Wet” children’s event which is a great way to keep kids coming back after VBS.
  • Gospel Presentation Videos for Kids  – Five 12-minute videos in which Christian Illusionist Kolby King uses creative tools to show how Jesus came to save us from our sins. Great to use as a session in a rotation-style VBS.
  • 5-Day Children’s Event – This is a team-based curriculum where small groups will compete against each other in challenges as they have discussions and learn life-changing truths from God’s Word. Great for small churches, backyard Bible clubs and group-based Bible schools.
  • Children’s Camp Worship Service Videos – Get 3 full-length children’s camp worship services. Use these at church or share them online or by social media with your families at home.
  • Children’s Leader Audio Training – Help your children’s volunteers train on-the-go all year long with more than 15 hours of expert children’s ministry training.

Contact Us and let us know if you have any questions or issues. We’re glad to help.



Discover these and more children’s and evangelism resources under the Children and Evangelism tabs in the navigation bar at top.

Contact Us and let us know if you have any questions or issues. We’re glad to help.

