Mad-Lib-like Fill-in-the-Blank challenges are included for the following Bible Stories:
1. The Story of Creation
2. Noah and the Flood
3. Tower of Babel
4. Abraham and Isaac
5. Jacob and Esau
6. Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors
7. Moses as a Baby
8. Moses at the Burning Bush
9. Moses at the Red Sea
10. Moses and the Ten Commandments
11. The Israelites in the Wilderness
12. Fall of Jericho
13. Samson and Delilah
14. Ruth and Naomi
15. Samuel Anointing David
16. David and Goliath
17. David Fleeing from Absalom
18. David and the Census
19. Solomon’s Wisdom
20. The Division of Israel
21. King Ahab and Naboth’s Vineyard
22. Elijah and the Prophets of Baal
23. Elijah Ascending to Heaven
24. Elisha and the Replenishing Oil
25. Miracle of the Floating Axe Head
26. Jonah and the Big Fish
27. Daniel and His Friends
28. The Fiery Furnace
29. Daniel and the Lion’s Den
30. Queen Esther
31. Nehemiah Rebuilding the Walls