Show an empty bag. Turn it upside down. Have someone stick his hand inside. “It’s empty, right? But just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it’s not there. You can’t see God but by faith you know He’s real.” Reach in the empty bag and pull out a container of flowers. “God is real!”
Show the inside of the empty bag again. “In the same way, some people can’t see how God could love them but just because they can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there.” Reach in the empty bag again and again pull out another box of flowers. “God loves you whether you see it or not.”
Show the inside of the empty bag again. If you’re with children, slide it over one of their heads…”What do you see?” Nothing. “In the same way, there are some people who think they’re nothing–that they’re not special but just because they can’t see how special they are to God, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.” For a third time, reach in the empty bag and pull out a third box of flowers. “You are special to God.”
This is also a great illustration to show that we can’t create something from nothing–only God can and He did when He created the world in Genesis 1.
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Discover 31 Old Testament Stories
These Mad-Lib-like Wacky Word Stories are a fun and great springboard to teach God’s Word. Enjoy them in your family, your Sunday School class, or just on your own.
Whether you’re looking for something fresh and new or just for ways to make your regular event better, this resource is just what you need to take your Fall Festival to the next level.
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