
Queen of Diamonds Deck


52 Identical Cards 

This one-way forcing deck features 52 identical Queen of Diamonds cards.

A deck of cards where every card is the same is the easiest way to force a card. “Choose a card, any card…” and of course you already know which card they’ll choose. Or write “Queen of Diamonds” on a card and give it to a volunteer. The have someone choose a card. You have already “predicted it.” 

There are also a lot of spiritual applications where you can springboard into a conversation about how the world will offer choices but try to manipulate people into making worldly decisions because they don’t know the “big picture” of God’s truth. Or discuss God’s knowledge and foreknowledge, or the difference between true prophecy (as seen in Scripture) and false or even self-fulfilling prophecies, and many more. 

You can also pull illustrations from the card itself. The Queen of Diamonds card can springboard into talking about Jezebel or other queens in Scripture, or into a lesson about those who look good on the outside (perhaps rich, wealthy, and successful) but are empty on the inside because they don’t have Jesus Christ (1 John 5:12-13). 

This one-way forcing deck creates numerous possibilities and opportunities to teach God’s Word. Lots of uses and variations that can illustrate a variety of spiritual truths.

This is a Bicycle card deck. 
