This one-way forcing deck featuring the King of Hearts.
A deck of cards where every card is the same is the easiest way to force a card. “Choose a card, any card…” and of course you already know which card they’ll choose. Or write “King of Hearts” on a card and give it to a volunteer. The have someone choose a card. You have already “predicted it.”
You can pull illustrations from the card itself. The King of Hearts card can introduce a discussion about whether or not Jesus is the King of your heart, how Jesus is the King of kings, or into a lesson about those who look good on the outside (perhaps rich, wealthy, and successful) but are empty on the inside because they don’t have Jesus Christ (1 John 5:12-13). Their heart was made for more.
This deck is also a great springboard to the story of the wise men coming to Bethlehem: There are three wise men (often called kings, like the song “We three kings,”) although they most likely weren’t kings but representatives from a distant royal palace–wise men who noticed the signs of the coming king. They came seeking the Lord. Then, there is King Herod, who lied and wanted to kill Jesus. Different kings with different hearts. Then, of course, you have Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords.
There are also a lot of spiritual applications, depending on how you use the deck, where you can springboard into a conversation about how the world will offer choices but try to manipulate people into making worldly decisions because they don’t know the “big picture” of God’s truth. Or discuss God’s knowledge and foreknowledge, or the difference between true prophecy (as seen in Scripture) and false or even self-fulfilling prophecies, and many more.
This one-way forcing deck creates numerous possibilities and opportunities to teach God’s Word. Lots of uses and variations that can illustrate a variety of truths.
Discover 31 Old Testament Stories
These Mad-Lib-like Wacky Word Stories are a fun and great springboard to teach God’s Word. Enjoy them in your family, your Sunday School class, or just on your own.
Whether you’re looking for something fresh and new or just for ways to make your regular event better, this resource is just what you need to take your Fall Festival to the next level.
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