How can I promote an event?
Find a promotional video, information and photos to promote your event HERE.
How do I set up public schools assemblies?
Go to This has a description of the public school assemblies that are available for elementary, middle schoool and high school. Of course, we can do combinations of age groups as well. There is no fee for us coming to the schools (although some schools have a budget set aside for this). At the bottom of the webpage is a letter that you can print and take to your local principals to answer their questions. The letter also has my phone number on it because I’m glad to talk them in person as well.
Do you have pre-revival devotions?
Yes, find 20 challenging devotion/Scripture readings at The purpose of these readings is to inspired a passion for reaching the lost.
How should we plan the Sunday worship service?
Since we’ll use ventriloquism, and either a drama or illusion to lead into the message, we usually use a bit more than the normal preaching time. Most churches open with a couple of songs, announcements, offering and whatever else they normally do and then turn the rest of the service over to us. Most churches also usually do a special offering for our ministry at the end of the service (since it’s hard to give to a ministry you don’t know anything about) but however you prefer to handle this is fine with us.
What are some other ways you can connect in our community while you’re here?
Please feel free to schedule us to share in your public school system, local community business groups, feeding programs and even in your local library for a puppet show and story time. Since Kolby and Mary Beth King are book authors, many libraries are very open to having them come and share.
Can you provide training for us?
Absolutely. While we’re with you, we want to help in any way that we can. When we lead revivals, we will many times also lead an evangelism training session on Sunday afternoon (sometimes Saturday) to help people be prepared for the decisions that we expect to have during the week. We are also available to provide training through Skype prior to arriving for an outreach event. See training topics HERE.
How much does an event cost?
As far as cost, we don’t have a set fee. I know this might sound strange but we’re committed to being available to churches of all sizes. When we lead revivals and Sunday services, we simply ask that the church take up a love offering at the end of the service. For other age group events and activities, most churches set aside an honorarium. These are in addition to any travel expenses – mileage, food, and hotel. If you want, we can tell you an average of what other churches usually pay but there’s no set amount that we require. We simply ask that the church keep in mind that this is what supports both our family and our ministry and we leave the rest up to the Lord.
Do you lead the music?
On Sunday mornings, most churches simply do their regular music but a bit less since we normally take more than the normal preaching time. During other revival nights and services, we usually mix in some music throughout but some churches prefer to start with a song or two at the beginning. Either way is fine but there’s no need to provide any kind of special music or to bring in someone to lead songs.
Where do you normally stay?
We often stay in hotels, at Christian campgrounds, in missionary housing, and sometimes when Kolby comes by himself, he will gladly stay in the church.
Do you have any special food needs?
Yes, our family is very health conscious. The best snacks for us are fruits, vegetables, nuts, granola, etc. Bottled water is great too. We tend to lean toward a vegetarian/vegan diet, trying to avoid a lot of meat, cheese, etc. We also prefer that your church not book us up for a lot of meals during the day. As you finalize your schedule for our time with you, just talk to us about your plans.
How do we schedule you?
You can either Contact Us or fill our online form HERE.
Do you have Facebook and Twitter?
Yes, it’s a great way to keep in touch. We also post a lot of free resources to help your ministry. Use the icons at the bottom of the page to connect with us. Our Facebook page is
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