Below are just a few of the conferences and training workshops for which Kolby and Mary Beth King are available:
Effective Children’s Ministry
Each conference is designed to meet your specific needs but can include topics such as:
- Making the Bible come Alive
- Creating a Safe and Secure Ministry in Today’s Church
- Discipline Opportunities
- Training Kids for Ministry
- Using Creative Tools to Teach Truth
- Effective Small and Large Group Teaching
- Inreach & Outreach
- Sunday School Boosters
- Recruiting Volunteers
- Starting and Leading a Children’s Worship Service
- Leading Kids in Worship
- Creating a Puppet Ministry
- VBS Done Right
- Salvation Training: How to Lead a Child to Christ
- Discover more Children’s Ministry topics by browsing the children’s ministry resource library HERE.
Learn Conference Details – Click HERE.
Effective Student Ministry
Including topics such as:
- Intentional Evangelism
- Creative Events that Work
- Keeping First Things First
- The Core of an Effective Student Ministry
- Introducing Students to Ministry
- The Power of a Trained Youth
- Teaching Students to Study Their Bibles
- Creative Teaching for Youth
- Effective Small Groups
- Effective Mid-Week Activities
- Other Youth Ministry topics…All Student Ministry Conferences are designed specifically to meet your needs.
Outreach Evangelism
This all-church event will not only challenge your church but will also give them hands on training in how to:
- Effectively share their faith with others
- Lead a person of any age (including children) to Christ
- Create evangelism opportunities in every day life
- Engage in effective door-to-door outreach
- Organize and execute an effect community outreach or visitation program
Help your congregation overcome the fear and obstacles of reaching your community–To be ready to share the Gospel at any time, with anyone, anywhere. This conference, which is customized to specifically meet your needs, will also teach them how to make home visits and how to have effective door-to-door outreaches in today’s culture. Contrary to the popular church culture of today, people are still getting saved on their front porches. Door-to-door evangelism still works when it’s done the right way. God is moving beyond the walls of the church. The problem is that most Christians aren’t intentional about sharing the Gospel and it won’t do much good if we only come to church and shine the light of the Gospel in each other’s eyes.
Raising Kids to be Spiritual Champions (Parenting)
Challenge your parents to take spiritual leadership in their families. In a culture where we outsource everything (education to teachers, sports to coaches, food to restaurants, entertainment to TV, etc.) most of our parents have outsourced spiritual education to the church. But God intends for the family to be the primary place for spiritual upbringing. This conference will help your parents understand their role in spiritual leadership and will address the obstacles that hold them back.
The 5 Missing Pieces of VBS
We often hear comments concerning VBS such as, “Isn’t there something fresh and new?”, “Our kids have been there and done that”, “How come we don’t have very many guests at our VBS?”, “We don’t see kids who come during VBS until the next VBS,” “How do you keep kids after VBS is over?” etc.
We have identified 5 missing pieces from most Vacation Bible Schools. Regardless of the curriculum you use, training in these five ares will put your VBS over the top.
The purpose of this conference is to help your church or the churches in your area to become more effective in reaching and teaching kids with the Gospel during VBS.
Leading Kids to Christ
This conference is great for children’s leaders, VBS volunteers, youth, decision room counselors, and parents who desire to be ready to know when their child is ready to accept Christ and how to lead their own child to Christ. This conference will teach about:
- When a child can be saved
- How to know if a child is ready to accept Christ
- How to share the Gospel on a child’s level
- What to do after a child accepts Christ.
- This conference will also teach important follow-up tools and techniques such as explaining baptism to a child, helping children deal with salvation doubts, and key assurance illustrations to explain concepts such as why we ask for forgiveness after we are saved.
Twisting Scripture (Bible)
This conference has a double-focus: (1) How to correctly handle Scripture while carefully guarding against the pitfalls into which so many fall and (2) The Power of Scripture Memory which will challenge attenders to move beyond memorizing a verse here and a verse there to memorizing chapters and even books of the Bible.
In-Depth Bible Conferences
Challenge your church family with on of the following:
- Enduring the Cross—Many believers have a very foggy picture of what happened to Jesus on the cross and in the events leading up to it. This Friday/Saturday conference will walk believers from Gethsemane to the Cross, explaining cultural and medical details that are often overlooked. You will be able to hold a replica of a “crucifixion nail” that was different from other Roman nails and handle a historically accurate Roman flagrum (scourge). This conference will paint an unforgettable picture of how Jesus became “obedient to death– even death on a cross” (Phil. 2:8) and what it now means for the believer to “take up his cross” and follow Him.
- Overcoming Fear—Discover how to know the power of God in the command to fear not, how to look beyond the situation to who God is, and how to live a life that is characterized by faith, not controlled by fear.
- Memorizing Scripture – Scripture memorization isn’t just for kids. Challenge the adults of your church to understand the power of hiding God’s Word in their hearts and to memorize large portions of Scripture.
Mission Trip Training
Kolby and Mary Beth King have trained groups for mission trips all over the United States and around the world and they can help train your team with tools to be effective on the mission field.
We are available to train your group…
- For adult, youth, preteen and family mission trips
- For both for foreign and domestic missions.
- We can plan a mission trip for your group and train you for it or we can provide training for a trip that you have planned.
- We can train your team on-site or remotely through Skype.
Preteen & Student Mission Trips – Kolby and Mary Beth have a passion for training students and have been leading student mission trips for more than 20 years. It’s an amazing thing to watch students teaching and leading people to Christ. Basic training includes how to share your salvation testimony, how to lead someone to Christ, how to share the Gospel through a variety of creative tools such as drama, puppets, balloon animals, and more. The rest of the training is specialized for the trip.
Family Mission Trips – We will train 2 to 4 families and take them on a mission trip that is a couple of hours away from home. Usually we’ll lead a Friday evening family outreach, Saturday morning door-to-door evangelism, a Saturday evening youth outreach and the Sunday morning worship service. Families learn to share their testimonies, how to lead someone to Christ, how to go door-to-door, puppets, songs, balloon animals, drama and more.
Church Technology Conference
Instead of working for the technology in your church, let it work for you. Discover answers to your church technology questions concerning websites, apps, texting, videos, online sermons, online giving and more…
This conference aims at helping pastors and church leaders understand the value and impact of using technology in their ministries.
Learn more HERE.
Contact Information
For more information or to schedule a conference, please contact us.
Kolby & Mary Beth King
- CONTACT US and let us know how we can help you.
- Email:
- P.O. Box 542 – Shawnee, OK 74802

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