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Watch the clips below from youth events and scroll down for more ways that we can challenge your students.
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Youth Event Ideas
One-Night Outreach Events—Featuring ventriloquism, drama, illusions, and other creative tools that will keep your students engaged with a strong salvation message. We are also available to share at the schools in your area as well.
One-Night Discipleship Events—Challenge your students to know Christ and to live for Him every day. One night events are customized to your theme or to the topic where you see your students struggling.
4-Day Events—Bring Kolby and Mary Beth to your church for a Sunday-Wednesday, Wednesday-Saturday or a Friday-Sunday event. These evening events include ventriloquism, drama, illusions, recreation and other creative tools that present the truths of God’s Word. We also typically share inside public and private schools in the area as well.
Retreats/DiscipleNow Weekends—We are available to come alongside your plans and to creatively share at your event or we can also provide an entire weekend package including your main sessions, curriculum, T-shirts, wristbands, special features, suggested schedule and more. Let us consult with you to help you plan and execute an incredibly impacting event. Contact us to learn more about current themed weekends or let us know if you want us to create a custom theme just for you.
Youth Renewal Weekend—This will probably be the easiest to lead weekend youth event you’ll ever have. Why? Because we come to your church and provide everything but the food. We provide the schedule, sessions, recreation activities, a skit night competition and more to challenge your students to know and follow Christ. The sessions feature illusions, humorous illustrations, engaging lessons and visual teaching to help illustrate the truths of God’s Word.
This event begins on Friday evening, goes all day on Saturday and ends with the Sunday morning worship service. It can also be an overnight event or used as a youth retreat. Many churches also extend it into Sunday evening with either a special testimony time or a community-wide outreach.
Public School Assemblies—Many times when we come to an area, we will share in the public school system. It’s a great way to engage students in your community and to invited them to an evening outreach event. Learn more.
Camps—We’re ready to help with all your camp needs. Having shared at more than 200 camps, ranging in size from 60 to 6,000, we’ve served as camp pastor, Bible study leader, curriculum creator, recreation director and decision room trainer/organizer. In addition to these, we’ve organized, directed, and been a part of every in-and-out of camp. We’re available to lead at your camp or to consult with you to help make your camp a more meaningful experience—something that will keep your students and sponsors coming back for more.
Training Events & Conferences—Bring the conference to you! Kolby and Mary Beth are available for equipping events such as:
- Student Ministry Training – Training on topics such as Intentional Evangelism, Creative Events that Work, Keeping First Things First, The Core of an Effective Student Ministry, Introducing Students to Ministry, Teaching Students to Study Their Bibles, Effective Small Groups, Effective Mid-Week Activities and more.
- Mission Trip Training – Unfortunately most youth mission trips involve cleaning and building with very little training and, honestly, very little spiritual impact. Kolby and Mary Beth have a passion for training students and have been leading youth mission trips for more than 20 years. It’s an incredible thing to watch youth teaching and leading people to Christ. Basic training includes how to share your salvation testimony, how to lead people to Christ, how to share Christ in a community through door-to-door evangelism and street witnessing, how to share the Gospel through puppets, drama, balloon animals, and more. The rest of the training is specialized for the trip.
- Other Training concerning community outreach, evangelism, creative ministry tools are available as well.
Door-to-Door Outreach—Valuable training in planning and executing an effective community outreach using your students. Includes special training in safety and how to connect in today’s culture. We’re glad to advise you and train your leaders as they prepare for this kind of evangelism as well.
Ministry Consulting
- Student Ministry Consulting—Kolby and Mary Beth King have years of experience in student ministry. Kolby has served as the student minister at churches of 150 as well as a church of 1000 and has shared in churches of all sizes. Certain dynamics and structures change depending on the size and situation of the church but core elements remain the same. Both Kolby and Mary Beth will give your leaders valuable insight concerning intentional evangelism, discipleship, creative events, the core of an effective student ministry, training students for ministry, gaining volunteers and more. Our goal is to come alongside your ministry to help in any way possible. Consultations can be one-time, short-term or long-term, depending on your needs. Every ministry consultation is customized to your specific situation. Phone consultations are another option for smaller churches. Please contact us to learn more.
- Event Consulting—Looking for fresh and creative event ideas and advice? Look no further. We are ready to help you with cutting-edge ideas and easy support in preparing, publicizing and executing your event.
Discover Youth Ministry Resources at
Featuring visual illustrations, illusions, lessons, camp resources and much more…
Contact Information
Kolby & Mary Beth King
- CONTACT US and let us know how we can help you.
- Email:
- P.O. Box 542, Shawnee, OK 74802

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