This fun and funny video was filmed at one of the nation’s largest children’s camps with more than 3,000 preteens in the room and features Kolby King using ventriloquism, illusions and humorous illustrations to show that there is ONE WAY to Heaven, only through Jesus Christ…
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“Thank you so much for coming tonight! You absolutely are gifted by God in your ability to teach, entertain, and draw all ages to you! I heard so many talking about the night. We all loved it! Thank you again!”
Children’s Ministry Event Ideas
“Incredibly Random”—Bring this special one-night children or family event to your church. Featuring ventriloquism, illusions, and other creative tools to share God’s Word. We are also available to share at the schools in your area on the same day. This makes for a great outreach event.Other One-Night Events: Such as family nights, theme nights, kick-off events, parent nights, Upward Sports rallies, AWANA events, outreach events and more…We’re available to come alongside your regular schedule to create a memorable and impacting event.
Multiple Day Events—Bring Kolby and Mary Beth to your church for a Sunday-Wednesday, Wednesday-Saturday or Friday-Sunday event. These events include ventriloquism, drama, illusions, and other creative tools that present a strong Gospel message. We also available to share at public and private schools in the area as well.
Camps—We’re ready to help with all your camp needs. Having shared at more than 150 camps, ranging in size from 60 to 6,000, we’ve served as camp pastor, worship leader, Bible study leader, curriculum creator, and decision room trainer/organizer. In addition to these, we’ve organized, directed, and been a part of every in-and-out of camp. We’re available to lead at your camp or to consult with you to help make your camp a more meaningful experience—something that will keep your students and sponsors coming back for more.
Vacation Bible School—Having led and shared at hundreds of Vacation Bible Schools, Kolby and Mary Beth are ready to lead, share, or consult with you to help you have the most effective Bible School possible. In the past few years we’ve noticed that one area where churches are struggling in VBS is in providing a clear explanation of the Gospel and in providing children with the opportunity to respond to Christ in a non-pressured, one-on-one setting that avoids “flocking” and “decisions” being made by children who don’t understand what they are doing. The second big issue concerns immediate decision follow-up. We are passionate about correctly and carefully handling the Gospel with children and are available both to share at your next VBS or to help in consulting with you as you plan it.
Leading Kids in Worship (Songs)—You will love this fresh and contagious way of leading worship. Mary Beth King will come to your church and work with a team of youth or children to help her leading songs. She leads worship using music tracks which means that your students can continue leading the songs long after she’s gone. Learn more.
Preteen Retreats—We are available to share at your next retreat. We can also provide an entire weekend retreat package including your main sessions, curriculum, T-shirts, wristbands, special features, suggested schedule and more. Let us consult with you to help you plan and execute an incredibly impacting event. Contact us to learn more about our current themed weekends or let us know if you want us to create a custom theme just for you.
VBS Parent Nights/Upwards Events—There are many unchurched parents who won’t come to a parent’s night for church but they will come to see fire-eating or someone get inside a 6-foot balloon. Use these “hooks” as a way to energize your students to become the front-line for inviting their unchurched parents, and when they come, they will hear the truth of how God can save them in a creative, humorous and fun way.
Public School Assemblies—Many times when we come to an area, we will share in the local public school system. Learn more.
Water Recreation—Get ready for the FLOOD! Have your kids dress to get wet. We’ll share with your group and then lead them through a variety of water games. It’s an event they’re sure to remember.
Training Events & Conferences—Bring the conference to you! Kolby and Mary Beth are available for equipping events such as:
- Children’ Ministry Training – Training in how to make the Bible come alive, how to effectively teach children, how to deal with discipline issues, creative teaching tools, basic puppet skills and more. Learn more.
- Parenting Conference – Challenge your parents to take spiritual leadership in their families. Help them to know how they can disciple their kids, teach their kids and be ready to lead them to Christ when the time is right. Learn more.
- Preteen Mission Trip Training – Kolby and Mary Beth have a passion for training preteens and have been leading mission trips with 4th-6th graders for more than a dozen years. It’s an amazing thing to watch children teaching and leading other children to Christ. Basic training includes how to share your salvation testimony, how to lead someone to Christ, how to share the Gospel through puppets, drama, balloon animals and songs. The rest of the training is specialized for the trip.
- Other Training concerning community outreach, evangelism, creative ministry tools are available as well.
- Children’s Ministry Consulting—Created for Children’s Leaders who desire ministry advice, support, insight, and hands-on training to enhance their elementary children’s ministry. Kolby and Mary Beth King bring more than 20 years of experience and are ready to sit down with you and your team to evaluate, strategize and create a plan for growth in your ministry. Our goal is to come alongside your ministry to help in any way possible. Consultations can be one-time, short-term or long-term, depending on your needs. Every ministry consultation is customized to your specific situation. Phone consultations are another option for smaller churches. Please contact us to learn more.
- Event Consulting—Looking for fresh and creative event ideas and advice? Look no further. We are ready to help you with cutting-edge ideas and easy support in preparing, publicizing and executing your event.
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Featuring visual illustrations, illusions, lessons, camp, VBS resources and much more…
Contact Information Kolby & Mary Beth King
- CONTACT US and let us know how we can help you.
- Email:
- P.O. Box 542 – Shawnee, OK 74802

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