David and Goliath is more than just a story for kids.
When David stood victorious over Goliath, it wasn’t just one man’s triumph—it was a victory for all of Israel. The mighty Philistines fled, and God’s people returned home in triumph. Why? Because David, their representative, had won the battle on their behalf.
In much the same way, Jesus is our covenant representative. When He died and rose again, His victory over sin and death became ours in Christ. We are “in Him,” and through His triumph, we too can live victoriously today.
Stories such as David and Goliath or Jonah or Daniel and the lion’s den are often shared with children but greatly neglected among adults. But these stories hold great theological truth and powerful foreshadowing for what it means to know and follow Christ today. They show us what it means to be in covenant with God, to trust in His power, and to live boldly in the face of life’s giants.